Analytics, Design, NPM & Development Skills
Having been born in this era where the internet has influenced the way we live and work, I have developed a passion around technology along with growing skills in front-end web development. Technology has always been a large part of my life and I have lucky enough to go through school, contract jobs and working for web development agencies. You can learn more about who I am here.
Since first graduating from college in 2009, I have made incremental technical advances in my overall skills. With dedication and perseverance, my expertise has expanded into four areas (analytics, design, npm, and development).
From my experiences working at Adster Creative (a featured Google Partner from 2015-2017), I’ve developed an expertise in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices and agency level training of Google tracking tools (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Search Console) under Google certified Digital Marketing Strategists.
In 2005, Before I started developing websites and learning about Google and SEO, I learned how to use Photoshop and Illustrator. Although I am not an RGD (Registered Graphic Designer), I do possess the technical expertise for image manipulation/optimization, cropping, burn/dodge, colour formats, colour palettes, layers, scaling, pen tool and selection tools. In early 2018, I started using Sketch. From only using it for a short time I have learned about importing UI resources, vector graphics creation, device prototyping and device testing through the iPhone and iPad mobile apps.
With recent innovations of Git, version control, node package modules and the uprise of automation front-end build tools/task runners such as GulpJS, I have dedicated the time into learning how to best utilize these technologies. Through the 4-hour training course and obtained certification from Automate Web Development with GulpJS, current efforts in NodeJS, and proactively working with Git and Github, my skill set in NPM will only get better. As I invest late evening into mastering these technologies and building my portfolio more.
In 2006, I went through my first round post-secondary education and learned the building blocks of HTML, CSS and, JavaScript. Later on, I was introduced to learning jQuery and Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) aka SCSS through work experience and completing the Udemy course The Complete Sass & SCSS Course From Beginner to Advanced.
In 2011, through my second round of post-secondary education, I began learning PHP/MySQL from the fundamentals to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and the building blocks to relational databases and query statements. When I began working for Adster Creative in 2015, I developed a strong familiarity and working knowledge of maintaining, updating, optimizing and launching websites for the Google AdWords platform. For the start of 2018, I am currently developing my skills in the JavaScript frameworks React and Angular/TypeScript.